Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Winner Is......and Features!

{drawing was done through random.org} 


I wish I could give something away to each and everyone of my wonderful followers! Stay tuned for next month when there will be several amazing bloggers and Etsy shop owners offering up some great goodies for giveaway in celebration of my one year blogiversary! 

Now on to some features....there were a ton of fab Halloween and Fall link ups! I am going to share more on Facebook tomorrow.

Can you tell I am really REALLY digging black and white for Halloween this year?

Please feel free to grab an "I've been featured" button


  1. Sweet! I see a few new blogs featured that I haven't visited before! Thank you!

  2. Fun features! I love the sort of "new" way to decorate for fall. I'm attracted to just black and white too!

  3. How sweet of you to feature my blog. I'm so honored!! Many thanks and I'll be thrilled to grab that button. Your blog is so much fun to visit!
    Blessings and hugs,

  4. Congrats to Ava! Great features! I'm inspired.
    - Susan

  5. Thanks for featuring my white pumpkin and congratulations to Ava....lucky girl!

  6. Congrats Ava!
    Love black and white too and love those that you've featured! Two of my home state girls!


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