Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Cup Cake Wrappers

My first attempt at making cup cake wrappers was (I think) a success. I bought a great book of card stock paper at Joann's on sale for $10. It has some of the most pretty glittery papers in fabulous pastels. 
 I actually bought it before I started planning the Marie Antoinette themed birthday party. It just happens to be perfect for a lot of the crafting I am planning for the party though. Woohoo!!
I found cup cake wrappers templates online
They have a downloadable PDF. Now before I show you the picture, please keep in mind I don't have any fancy cutters or machines to do the work for me. I wish soooo much that I did. I oogled the Cricuts at Joanns while I was looking for paper. A nice lady even came up and talked to me about her's and how she loves it. Some day.............maybe after my big annual sale this year. (Last year my big gift to myself after all the work was a new rug. Perhaps this year I can get a Cricut!) Anyways back to my point, my paper cutting skills....are decent at best. I have these huge old cheap scissors probably bought from the dollar store. You can see uneven edges on my wrappers. But I figure while people are stuffing down cup cakes, no one is going to stop and inspect my cutting skills, right?

The lady in the wrapper, that's Marie. I got her from online too. I used Photobucket to do some editing and printed her out in small size for cup cake toppers.


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